Video Module 3
Video Module 3 has been designed for Visual Composer. It allow you to display
posts creating amazing layouts.
Video Module 3 has been designed for Visual Composer. It allow you to display
posts creating amazing layouts.
All Gallery Modules fits perfectly into any page layout, with sidebar or without.
Keep full control on your posts. Magazilla modules comes with a lot of options
so you can customize your website based on your needs.
Select where you want to use this module
Category filter
Sort order:
Autors Filter:
Featured Posts:
You can make a post featured by clicking featured post checkbox while add/edit post
Hide block title:
Limit post number:
Choose how many post you want to show
Offset posts:
Number of most recent posts to ignore
Header color:
Choose a custom header color for this block
Header text color:
Choose a custom header color for this block
Header text top border color:
Choose a custom color for block title border top
Optional – custom title for this block:
Choose a custom title for this module
Optional – custom url for this block (when the module title is clicked):
Choose a custom url for module title
Title style: